Canadian Artist

About Maggie...

Maggie was born in Glasgow, Scotland and from an early age had a passion for the arts -  drawing, designing and creating.     Therefore, it was a natural step for her to pursue a career in interior design.

She, her husband Vern, and their two sons lived in Calgary and Lethbridge, Alberta.   In 2008 Maggie sold her interior design firm in Lethbridge and she and Vern ‘retired’ to Sidney, Vancouver Island where they lived for 9 years.  During those years Maggie took up water colour painting as a hobby.   However, in 2017 the ‘siren call’ of new twin grandchildren was strong and they returned to live in Alberta.     Since moving back to Calgary, Maggie’s painting transitioned from being a hobby to becoming a second career and she now paints full-time and with acrylics.   

The surrounding natural beauty of Alberta, British Columbia as well as travels throughout the rest of Canada and abroad,  provide her inspiration.     

Maggie describes her art style as a contemporary composite of realism and impressionism and  admires the paintings of Lawren Harris and Tom Thomson.    She draws on much of her 30+ years of interior design experience to create paintings.  Through balanced  composition, capture of light, multiple layering, and bold interpretive lines, she strives to bring a uniqueness to her paintings which are colourful and detailed. 

Maggie is a juried Exhibiting Member of the national Confederation of Canadian Artists and its Calgary Chapter.

Her art pieces have found homes throughout Canada, USA, United Kingdom, Europe and Bermuda. 

Please feel free to email if you have any questions regarding her paintings or to discuss commissions.

Thank you for your interest.